Job: Nigeria, Britain partner to combat unemployment

The Nigerian government has expressed its willingness to partner with the British Government in tackling unemployment and creating job opportunities for young persons in the country. The Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Dr Festus Keyamo, with the Political Counsellor, British High Commission, Mr Dominic Williams. PHOTO: NAN The Minister of State for  Labour  and Employment, Dr Festus Keyamo, stated this when the Political Counsellor, British High Commission, Mr Dominic Williams, paid him a courtesy visit in Abuja. “We are ready to collaborate with our partners all over the world to open up avenues for job creation. We are open to all kinds of suggestions and levels of co-operation,” he said. He disclosed that the Government has opened up other sectors as part of efforts to diversify the economy from oil, which would, in turn, create room for employment. According to him, part of the efforts of Government to diversify the economy and boost job creation include

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An jawo hankalin Bukola Saraki

– Mataimakin mai magana da bakin APC
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neman gamawa lafiya ya guji Cif John
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An jawo hankalin Bukola Saraki
Shugaban Majalisar Dattawa ya gana da
Shugaban Jam’iyyar APC kwanakin baya. Sai
dai Timi Frank yace da sake. Dr. Abubakar
Bukola Saraki, Shugaban Majalisar Dattawar
Najeriya ya gana da Shugaban APC na Kasa
watau Cif John Odigie-Oyegun.
Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki ya gana da
Shugabannin Majalisar ne a Babban Ofishin
su Ranar wata Laraba. Timi Frank yace
Oyegun na kokarin shawo kan matsalar da ya
kirkira da hannun sa ne. Oyegun din ne dai
da bakin sa ya bayyana cewa Jam’iyyar sa
tayi wasu kuskure tun tashin farko.
KU KARANTA: Rikici: A Majalisar Tarayya
Timi Frank yace a maimakon a je ana wani
taron kus-kus tsakanin Shugaban Majalisar
Dattawar da kuma Manyan Jami’iyyar. Haka
ne za a shawo kan wannan matsala kafin
abin ya faskara Inji Mataimakin Mai magana
da bakin Jam’iyyar ta APC, Timi Frank.
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Muhammad kafin ya zama Minista, yace bai
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zai maye gurbin Lai Muhammad din ba.



Meet the model who reportedly posses the biggest breasts in Ghana